Hey guys!
I’m Bally, co-owner and principal instructor of Bhangra Blaze Xpress (BBX).
Although I’m a busy wife, mother and business owner, I’ve had a passion for Bhangra dancing all my life. Being of Sikh origin, I was literally ‘born into Bhangra’. The music, language, culture and heritage have been strong positive constants and influences since birth. I first experienced the power of Bhangra workouts in 2015 and it was a really easy decision for me to get trained as a Bhangra Fitness instructor and start delivering my own classes in early 2016. Since then I’ve become a qualified Level 2 Dance Fitness instructor and delivered Bhangra Fitness classes to literally thousands of adults and children.

As someone who struggled with weight issues as a young child and during my teens, primarily due to lack of movement and overeating, I love the fact that I’m now able to help so many people improve their fitness levels, adopt a healthier lifestyle and feel happier – all through the power of Bhangra! 


  • BBX is a ‘Covid-baby’;  the business was created by Bally Bhogal and her husband and business partner, Michael Barrows in June 2020 - at the height of the Covid pandemic – initially as a way to help Bally stay connected to her previous class members and help them complete Bhangra Fitness workouts at home (Bhangra Fitness workouts are fun-filled, high-intensity, calorie-blazing cardio workouts that use basic, but powerful moves from Bhangra, the energetic, traditional folk dance and music form which originated in the Punjab region of India).
    BBX is now a fast-growing fitness brand. In the post-Covid lockdown era, the demand for both our online services and offline classes has continued to increase and we are training new instructors and opening new classes regularly as we expand from our original base in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham.  As we’ve grown, we’ve attracted lots of media interest, including being featured on:

    • Midlands Today (Regional BBC Television)
    • Radio WM (Regional BBC Radio)
    • Channel 5 television (“You Are What You Eat”, 26thJanuary, 2022)


Bally has delivered Our ‘Bhangra Bambinos’ workshops and events in schools for many years and they have proved extremely popular.  The closure of all schools during the Covid pandemic in 2020, encouraged us to look more deeply into the long-term term effects of lack of exercise on the physical and mental wellbeing of schoolchildren – and as a result, Bhangra For Schools was born, with a mission to:

      - Increase engagement in exercise and movement across all age groups and abilities,
- Address childhood obesity issues, increase physical stamina and improve co-ordination skills,
      - Improve mental health by increasing happiness and wellbeing,
      - Promote diversity and wider cultural awareness

Bhangra For Schools is an in-school exercise programme, utilising our pre-recorded, on-demand Bhangra workout videos. It really is as simple as A, B, C:

      A. We train your PE leads and/or other staff members to facilitate Bhangra Fitness classes,

      B. Your school subscribes to one of our video packages and you stream the pre-recorded sessions in class (or at lunchtime sessions, or in after-school/holiday clubs) and

      C. The children get some great exercise and have lots of fun!


“What a fantastic afternoon of CPD, Bally was full of enthusiasm and energy, we all came away with a smile on our faces ready to introduce Bhangra into our school settings.
Teacher/Bhangra Activator Trainee,
St Luke Primary School

“Bhangra was brilliant! It made me feel fantastic!
       Zoya (9 years old)
 ''The children are loving the sessions and are able to follow the instructions and moves. We are currently on Week 5 and I can see a big difference in the children's stamina. The children are enjoying the music too!'
"PE Lead, Rakegate Primary School"
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